YOGA ASANA practice is more powerful and benefitial than other Exercies. What is Asanas? How to do Yoga Asanas? Benefit of Yoga Asanas. Diet for yoga practitioner.2024

What is Asanas? How to do Yoga Asanas? Benefit of Yoga Asanas. Diet for yoga practitioner. Place for perform Yoga Asanas. How long avoid Surgically operated? Sequence of Asanas and Pranayama. Duration of Yoga Asanas. Yoga Asana and Other Physical Exercise. Yoga Asana and Physical Efficiency. Yoga Asana and the welfare of sportsman. Limitation for woman while practicing yoga asanas.

Q. What is Asana? There are 84 million postures and these are nothing but the pattern of sitting of different species, means the different species using the different posture, for their comfortable sitting which are known as ASANAS. In the beginning the postures which which is used for prolonged sitting performing the spiritual practices like Sandhya, Meditation, Pooja and Fire Ceremony were known as ASANAS. The practice of Asana is necessary to teach us how to sit erect keeping ourselves healthy and channelising the current of prana towards the final goal of spirituality. Today Asanas have another responsibility and importance from the point of view of physical health.

Classification Of Asanas – The Asanas has classified in two main categories (1) Meditative (2) Cultural. Cultural also has sub classification Physical and Relaxative.

Q. How to do Yoga Asanas? While doing Asanas, we should keep in mind that if Asanas are done merely by seeing here and there they will lead to several diseases. Therefore some important points to be remembered, while performing Asanas are: 1) Asanas should not be practised merely from books, the guidance of a teacher is also necessary. 2) Asanas should not be performed with jerks, but slowly step by step and gradually upto the pose. The return should in the same way. 3) The final posture should be maintained for some time but in no case under tension. 4) Do not practice beyond your limitation. 5) There should not be competitive attitude. This harmful and should be avoided. 6) Concentrate on the effect of Asanas on mind and the body. 7) Every Asanas is to be followed by Shavasana. But it does not mean that it is harmful if you cannot practice Shavasana after every Asana. 8) If possible maintain a diary of Asanas showing the duration of the practice of each Asana. 9) In case of an injury or illness the teacher should be consulted and followed. 10) Never think about breathing while doing Asanas. The constitution of the whole body is such that the breathing is adjusted as per the situation e.g. when we put a thread into the needle or when we lift weight or when we Shalabhasana, Mayurasana the breathing is adjusted automatically. Hence we should not mix breathing with postures. But during Pranayama people suffering from High B.P. Heart disease, Asthama, the teacher should be consulted. 11) The place should be clean and ventilated.

Q. What is the best TIME practising Yoga Asanas? The early morning is the best time to perform Asanas. It is to be kept in mind that after lunch up to FOUR hours, no Asanas, Mudra or Pranayama should be practised. But Vaman, Dhauti may be performed if necessary. For people having weak gastric fire, even four hours gap is not sufficient. They should start practice at least 5 to 6 hours after lunch.

Q. Whether Yoga Asanas should be performed before or after the BATH? Whether the water used for bathing should be HOT or COLD? We will answer these questions as per Swatmarama who says that adhering to the rules strictly is also an obstacle. This is also true with regards to bathing. The people from Kashmir or any cool place would like to have bath in hot water. It will facilitate the flow of blood and will also make the muscles flexible. In the same way people from warmer region should take the bath with cold water. Hence while considering time and bath their respective effects on one’s body should be considered. Normally, bathing before Asanas is considered favourable. For people who sweat more and also if the sweat stinks, bathing after the performance of Asanas should be considered preferable. However, the time gap between the Asanas and Bath should be minimum 30minutes.

Q. (DIET) What and How much should a Yoga practitioner eat? Swatmarama has very simply and aptly answered indicating towards “MITAHARA” Eating sweet and junctuous food offered first to the Almighty (that is, not eaten for ones satisfaction) leaving one fourth of stomach empty this is known as ‘Mitahara‘. Regarding constituents of food, he says: “The good grains, wheat, rice, barely and Shastika (a special variety of rice) milk, ghee, sugar, butter, sugarcandy, honey, dry ginger, the five leafy vegetables, green gram and rain water collected when the sun is in Magha (the tenth lunar mansion) etc. are considered to be wholesome food for advanced Yogis.

Q. Whether the non-vegetarian foods is advisable yoga practitioner? Here there are two points to be considered. As far as our mental state is concerned we can get rid of anger and tensions by avoiding food rich in protien. Today it has been unanimously accepted that the vegetarian food also contains all those nutrients which are present in non-vegetarians and Westerns, because they do not have idea that through vegetarian articles deliciuos dishes can be prepared. Of course, the vegetarian diet should contain varieties of articles to get the nutrition value.

Q. (PLACE) Whether the Yoga Asanas have to be performed in the solitude or in the open air? Otherwise what should the people of the cities do? Clean air is definitely better and hygienic. While doing Asanas, we should avoid artificial air. The place chosen should be such that the disturbance is to the minimum.

Q. (SURGERY) How long one should avoid the practice of Asanas after being surgically operated for piles or ulcers etc,? Normally one could restart the practice of Asanas after SIX months. Or so, when the affected parts and muscles would be strong enough to bear the pressure.

Q. What should be the sequence of Asanas and Pranayama? Asanas, different types of Kumbhakas, practices called Mudras, Nadanusandhana- this is the correct sequence for the practice of Hathayoga. Patanjali has also said, after establishing oneself in a stable postures, Pranayama, has to be performed. Even if Asanas are preceded by Pranayama, no problems occurs. Normally Asanas are done before Pranayama.

DURATION OF AN YOGA ASANA This depends on the availability of time. keeping in view the availability of time, a man of normal health should practise Asanas for 45 minutes daily and Pranayama for 15-20 minutes daily.

YOGA ASANAS AND OTHER PHYSICAL EXERCISE As we know, in the physical culture, heart has to do extra amount of work to get rid of impure blood resulting in the increased heart rate. This does not apply in the case of Asanas. Hence, there should be at least 30 minutes gap between Asanas and other types of physical exercises.

YOGA ASANAS AND PHYSICAL EFFICIENCY It has been clearly stated in Hatha Pradipika that Asanas bring mental as well as physical steadiness, health and a feeling of lightness. Experiments in the laboratory also have proved that the efficiency of the body and concentration of mind increases by the practice of Asanas.

YOGA ASANAS AND THE WELFARE OF SPORTSMEN The main goal of Asanas is not to prepare sportsmen and women at national or international level but certainly, it has been seen to increase their efficiency, flexibility, concentration and strength. If one wants to be benefitted by Asanas and Pranayama one should lead a disciplined life.

LIMITATION FOR WOMEN WHILE PRACTICING YOGA ASANAS Normally, during the first three months of pregnancy Uddiyana, Paschimatana, Yog-Mudra, Ardha-Matsyendrasana and all those Asanas which give pressure in the abdominal region should be avoided by women. So also, during menstrual period no Asana should be practised by women, because the undue pressure exerted during Asanas may cause increased bleeding.

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What is Asanas? How to do Yoga Asanas? Benefit of Yoga Asanas. Diet for yoga practitioner.